Would like it if you could make it into a united middle east, I don’t like the borders made by the colonial powers and those stupid national identity that came along with it.
Happy late birthday, sorry for not noticing this post sooner and I wish you all the best all year long!
I love this video, no dramatic music or crazy editing and just straight to the point.
In a way I can understand what they mean by this.
Most Pro-Palestine aren’t actually on Palestine’s side since they are also Anti-Hamas and against self determination which makes them more in line with Israel than anything since they are also Anti-Hamas.
Please do correct me if I am wrong.
I would say well done, you definitely got them upset that they left you a private message this sad.
They should see that the enemy is clearly the Zionist entity and not the LGBTQIA+ community.
I’m surprised they are struggling to figure that out, like what are they trying to point out here?
Are they attempting to highlight that they are both homophobic and transphobic with this?
What’s with those anime profile pictures with black sun behind them?
Where is the USA?