Rateatsbody [he/him]
yeah, covid is not a place to take a stand. No one in the US feels like anyone should be telling them what to do about covid, cause no one has an answer everyone would like and can stick with. We should have had a federally run shutdown, with rent relief for tenants, both commercial and residential, no one had to get fucked over at their job by covid, but we did and telling people people they ought to get it cuz its “right” or even practical for them to do just wont cut it. Just explain that half a million people are dead on our own soil, and the vaccine is the only direct action you could personally take to try to save more of them.
people whose dads operated forklifts are labor aristocrats, and the American Left cant move on until we acknowledge this
It sounds like they’re enclosing the internet. That’s fine, I didnt want free stuff anyways…
I’m just here to support getting rural posters posting
this is the protestant’s kaaba
this falls into the “Pol Pot” category of things leftists should care about
yeah, who else is gonna show up at my desktop at 3 AM when someone posts zootopia bunny foot pics