RedSky [he/him]
my dad got me an airsoft gun back when he first started teaching me to use one. He’d been taking me on hunting trips since before I could form memories and every time he’d ask me what the basic rules are, so he used the airsoft gun as a sort of test to see if I would follow them. I was probably 6 or so at that point and to this day I reflexively handle any vaguely gun shaped object pretty much like a real one. Found myself with my finger off the trigger of a banana once
edit: I should clarify i wasn’t allowed to shoot a real one until I was 13, he just used the airsoft gun to teach me basic safety stuff like finger off the trigger, don’t point it at anything you’re not ready to destroy, know what’s behind your target, etc.
once had a Russian language teacher who believed that Putin was chosen by God to restore the Romanov dynasty and unite Europe. He had a picture of him hanging above the board and a smaller picture of the Romanovs on his desk. Edit: He also believed Rasputin was still alive. He believes what happened prior to being thrown in the river, he just thinks he survived and that the body they found was a double. Edit 2 since I keep remembering things: He also thought Rasputin put a curse on Russia to send it into “100 years of darkness”, which came true when the revolution came into power. I took his class in 2016, and he was very excited about Russia’s prospects in 2017. Also believed in russiagate, but he agreed with it.
a cooler teacher once said “wanna see my balls” the second she walked in then pulled a set of taxedermied kangaroo testicles out of her desk
some of my favorites are the knights fighting snails
every new user will just be my alts, I wanna have nice plant by my name at all times
my favorite mods are the ones that add a bunch of new farming/foraging/cooking stuff. Before bees were actually added I had a hell of a bee farm and would make clam chowder for every journey
so you know those loud flashes of light in the sky? We figured out how to make it by burning rocks and used it to make monkeys that destroy the earth just by existing