In my experience, no. There are studies that have shown Fish Oil and Magnesium to slightly improve some memory functions over time, but caffeine or actual prescribed meds from a doctor have been quicker and had better results.
At least for the ADHD, I haven’t found anything for the autism front.
We need an anime crash. Too many light novel isekai adaptions, not enough good stories. Change my mind.
Yeah, I was wondering why they were going to continue with such a dangerous mission after all the bad press Boeing has been getting lately. Sunk cost fallacy, maybe?
Interestingly, Tom Scott did a video about this a few years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGnH0KAXhCw
It’s a “background noise” sitcom that isn’t constrained by cast salaries or real life. What I mean by that is that with a regular 4 camera sitcom, you have to have all the camera people, mic people, set and props people, who all make sure the scene is reset for each take. Every actor in the scene needs to be present, and if one flubs their line, they all have to restart and do it again. A five minute scene can take several hours.
For animated shows, it’s usually recorded one by one in a booth. If the actor flubs a line, they just re-record the line. Even if a character is onscreen for a majority of the episode, dubbing their lines for the entire episode would take no more than an hour.
In true Capitalist fashion, it’s a known product that is cheap and easy to make, and people will just consume it for the background noise and easy watching.
Looks like Cookie Monster found weed