Man I just got dog piled on an argument over voting. I get it’s a hot topic in this community but having people call me a fascist and telling me to die in Barbara pit is a fucking mood killer. Is voting really deserving of such hate? Was it an argument that got too heated? Is it normal to experience this from fellow comrades over a small disagreement or is the issue really as defining of a person as it was made to seem?
Hey, genuine question here. Why include Russia in this? They are, to my understanding, a capitalist oligarch hellscape. Where queer folk are criminalized and hunted from public life. A different imperial power currently engaged in killing folk. Why is Russia doing good a good thing at all? Just in the fact its showing a country can exist outside the NATO sphere at all? Is it in any way support of Russian policies?
Once again, none of the above is intended to be read as aggressive or trick questions. They are just what’s on my mind.