I’ve been really enjoying prodigy and wow season 2 really kicked it up a notch! Loving all the Janeway action. Lots of good Voyager characters too.
I don’t really want to use Amarok, I much prefer the notoriety and active support that strawberry has. I used Amarok for a long time and it died. I would much prefer contributions to strawberry be made. Maybe it can be revised or something. I’m certainly not waiting till end of 2024 for a buggy replacement of something that already works well. By all means contribute anywhere you liked but it seems like a duplication of effort
Brace for offline mobile LLM assistants!
I imagine you could cut as many corners as you like but eventually somebody is gonna want pineapple lol
I usually try to date outside the polycule but I can’t keep up with everybody and it is really funny when this happens. It can be truly small world sometimes.
I think there are a lot more younger inexperienced people trying various types of polyamory. Probably leads to a lot of mistakes and bad taste in people’s mouths… I’ve found that most people under 25 don’t really know what they want. I’ve also noticed that younger generations tend to be partnered super early in school and don’t really know how to be alone. Even to the point of taking fake relationships just because that’s what everyone else is doing.
There are always gonna be shitty people, monogamy or no. Some people take advantage of polyamory as an excuse to ignore ethical responsibility. I always preface that I practice relationship anarchy that looks a lot like ethical polyamory (even though polyamory is already supposed to be ENM).
People seem to think that polyamorous people are always available. One of my partners has this problem but I personally enjoy watching them rip ignorant people a new asshole.
They’re all vicious assholes that get irritated by the most mundane things so I’m gonna expect them to sting me and they have for no reason that I could tell… Also these look like yellow jackets, which are particularly annoying but not as annoying as the 4 species of hornets battling for territory around my old house. I think bumblebees are cute though they will boop you and not try to kill you.
I’m so glad I no longer use YouTube fuck that shiz
Gushing frames at 1fps! Kidding aside this is pretty awesome though
Yeah I hate it when people go to HR they are not your friend… They gonna resolve the situation one way or another. Kill them with kindness. It might take awhile, but eventually they will give up.