
TotalBrownout [none/use name]
Grew up poor AF, but at least had the sense to make furniture out of wire spools, milk crates, cinder blocks, etc.
While on the one hand, American bloodlust is running hotter than ever these days… On the other hand, around 95% of Americans believed the “Saddam has WMDs” claim in early 2003, and 80%+ continued to believe this into the summer of '03, when it should have been pretty clear that there were no WMDs… well after the infamous “mission accomplished” speech. We can’t even get 95% of Americans to agree that the Earth is round these days.
Can’t speak on Europe/“the west”… it seems that they would be reluctant to believe whatever shit the US is cooking up to push regime change though.
What Joe Biden sees when he tries to read…
Which version of quitting is it when they start stealing?
“China fakes their numbers”
-some liberal, probably.
Yup… a tungsten billet has to be heated to point where it begins vaporize (this is considered the MP, but I’ve only ever seen it vaporize. And by seen, I don’t mean look at, it’s bright like the sun) At these temperatures it also becomes a brittle ceramic and is prone to cracking. Lots of scrap to get one good piece that can then be machined to net form.
That is some high-key commodity fetishism right there!
Agree that reddit is fine for lurking/obtaining obscure information, but I’ve found engaging with the userbase in any meaningful way to be anywhere from unpleasant to moderately disturbing… these people are mostly the bottom of the barrel once the “we have the same interest… we are the same” mask slips off. A read-only version of the site with upvote/downvote would be strictly better, imo.