Xubuntu on my desktop/laptop, debian on a server. Mostly because while I really like tinkering with things, I usually just want shit to work so I can get something done.
RSSGuard for most things, newsboat for keeping track of software releases on github.
Xfce. Partly because I’ve used it for a long time, but mostly because it does what I need it to do and little else.
Been pretty good. I only use a few of the things they provide but it’s all worked well. The android app is sort of janky because it’s mostly several other apps, but I don’t blame them for not developing a shiny app for their service.
Mostly I sync contacts, some nextcloud stuff, and use their XMPP server.
It apparently doesn’t like me using a VPN. 🤷♂️
It’s doing fine? I don’t use their email so I can’t speak about that, but… Did you have any specific questions?
I usually go with Xfce.
I don’t hate windows, it just annoys me. I’ve run linux in a VM under windows for years and about 2 years ago it annoyed me enough (I think it was something about a patch breaking things badly enough that I had to restore the system) that I said ‘screw it’ and switched the arrangement to linux and the few windows programs I really wanted running in wine. I’ve been skipping back and forth between them since Yggdrasil was a thing, so it wasn’t like it was uncharted territory.
And after hearing some of win11’s BS, I’m glad I did.
You should definitely ask a bunch of random people on lemmy what to do instead of what the doctors say…