Vlaedrynn [any]
Same here. The advice I’ve got is to rely on Athena’s deflect abilities and really focus on the way the enemies behave before focusing on how to dispatch them. I’m getting better but I can’t get myself to focus on stuff much anymore, so a game that requires persistence is difficult for me to even sit down and play.
I cast for Biden knowing exactly what would happen. It was necessary for me because when libs ask me who I voted for I can now say I did exactly what they wanted me to and got nothing out of it. A vote for Gloria, while healthy and not vomit-inducing, would categorize me as a radical who isn’t realistic. Instead, I agreed to do the “realistic” thing under the condition that the people in my life asking me to do it would recognize when I point out Biden’s failures.
Basically, I get to say I told you so whenever I want. Honestly, it’s pretty hard not to abuse that privilege.
I’m not sorry John
I don’t sleepwalk but my younger sister does. These are the two craziest things she’s done:
My sister and I are making food late in the kitchen , when my sleepwalking sister, maybe 5 or 6 at the time, crawls around the corner. She’s on all fours, not her knees but her feet. She charges us and growls, and we leap back in surprise. Snarling, she sprints through the open kitchen, exiting on the other side. Then, she pulls down her pants and takes a long piss in a doll cradle. She finishes her business, becomes aware of her surroundings, wakes up, and starts bawling her eyes out.
Late-night I’m in the kitchen making a PB&J sandwich. The house we’re living in is tiny, too small for all 8 of us, so some of us sleep on the couches. My sister is snoring in the living room, adjacent to the kitchen. I put the pieces of bread together and lift them to my mouth. Just before I take the first bite my sister yells “PUT THAT DOWN!” and I throw the sandwich onto the counter like I had a gun pointed at my head. I look over, and she’s still asleep.
Now that I’ve told those stories back to back I feel like my sister just guards the kitchen in her dreams.
The government cannot have my New Balance sneakers, my fuzzy handcuffs, my gimp suit. Not even my wife gets to see those things. Mercia.