YouAreReadingThis [he/him]
Airflow can be weird. There was a review by Gamers Nexus of a case with two large intake fans at the front and none at the back. When they added an exhaust fan at the back, temperature inside the case slightly went up.
:geordi-no: outdoor cats struggle session
:geordi-no: outdoor people struggle session
:geordi-yes: mudbutt struggle session
I did not know that this was so common. My parents have been doing exactly this, and they never stop coming back to ”we have to be able to have a sincere conversation, its very important to be honest and say what youre feeling”
After trying that too many times, I have chosen to master the art of white lies and deflection instead. It works much better.
He must submit to the woke tribunal or be canceled :meow-shining:
lmao this reminds me of my teenage years
slava tamrieli
piss wizard irl
ye olde vore