akakak [they/them]
Every scare story on China’s new nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles makes me feel so much safer.
It’s not really related and fuck cars but I remember how one redditor lecture me how biodiesel is better then electric cars. I asked if they figured out the land use or nitrogen input problem and the redditor was like “oh just vertical agriculture and GMO crops”. It really bothers me how some people don’t actually try to understand how these things work and resort to magically thinking that CRISPR or Musk’s new battery will solve everything.
Cows left to their own devices practice collective childcare and medicine. They are more civilized than Americans.
You know what can be done overnight? Reduce the max highway speed limit to 80KMh and reduce fuel consumption by up to 40%
It would be interesting to see what kind of savings can still be made with a desktop. If it’s a FOSS desktop then a imagine “efficiency” bugs on these FOSS desktops being something Microsoft and Apple worked out decades ago. Most resources are taken up by Firefox and chrome in the end and most software the vast majority of people run is web based.
Haiku OS is a truly efficient desktop system, designed from scratch for multiple processor systems though you really have to develop for it in c++ it’s library.
Preppers please stop saying “winter is coming”. Even when it’s appropriate like this post. I don’t have any good woke reason for this, I am just sick of fucking pop culture.
Welcome to the new dark age anyway. I imagine Musk will be milking this for all it’s worth.