anon [he/him,he/him]
Picture your horny feelings as a hot throbbing marble in your loins, you want to make it stop but you have no one to quench it with cum and your force of will is not enough to just squash the hard marble. Instead you need to pull the marble up through your belly, your torso and your neck until it radiates inside your head instead, where you can harness its energy to make you an intellectual God. It worked for Ben Shapiro
Your honor, when I wished “a parody, in Minecraft” I meant it ironically
I wonder if in 1000 years when the global population is a few million all living in Siberia or something, there will be legends about He Who Killed The Sky, creator of the Celestial Nexus beyond which the true cosmos will remain hidden for eternity. If I could talk to him in person, I’d say “ummm excuse me Sir, but Wall-e is a cautionary tale not an INSTRUCTION MANUAL, fuckface”
It’s gonna be Rice, but with a twist: the voters get to decide Susan or Condoleezza
At Ruth’s funeral:
-“Justice Sotomayor? You really don’t look well, are you OK?”
-“Oh, I’m sure it’s nothing… Just a little dry cough, I’m only 66, and anyway how bad could potential complications related to my diabetes really get?”
Other hints:
- someone who thinks like this would not know what “the internationale” is.
- someone who used East Germany’s flag and Haiti’s flag would also know the flag of China
- a Pelosi fan wouldn’t do “Nazis were the real socialists”, U.S. liberals think the Nazis were far-right, and a U.S. conservative would never put Pelosi in the “perfect balance” slot
Oh you think it’s so great and special, well good for you, you must be happy all the time and feel like the king of the world don’t you? Congratulations, everyone is so proud of you and just how amazing and perfect having sex is. It’s better than, oh I don’t know, writing music, having fun with friends, enjoying the most pristine landscape after hours of hiking, yes THESE wonderful experiences of sheer joie de vivre are nothing compared to just rubbing erogenous zones like lab rats repeatedly pressing the switch that delivers heroin, soooo fulfilling and meaningful. If THAT’s your thing well you know what, I fully empathize with your preference despite the fact my view of what’s important is a little bit different, I’m just glad you found something YOU value and it doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s a win-win really. Maybe I’ll try it some day, when I feel like it, on MY own terms and not just because apparently it’s a fucking MANDATORY activity for anyone to be considered “cool” (not that I think it’s why YOU do it… If you just happen to like it, well you’re pretty lucky your tastes happen to coincide with what will make you popular). Just don’t forget there is just a little bit more to life than sex, that’s all ;)
“Yes… Ha ha ha… YES!”
-Sickos, 25/08/2020