Always worth a look if you are genuinely concerned! My idiot was all floppy and slow once, so I went to the emergency clinic and he actually had a pretty high fever. They gave an injection and it was no joke as if someone had rebooted him, once home it was as if nothing had ever happened.
Finally am negative, I am free to fly the nest!!! I still have what I would describe as a head cold but other than that I am good to gooooooo! Time to reschedule everything I’ve had to cancel in the last two weeks and blow my calendar way out.
Mine gets a bit floppy in the heat, but he’s stupid and seeks out the hottest parts of the house.
Instead of an ice cube like another comment said, I use a cool wet flannel and rub him down (being sure to get his face, pits, and paws) and I throw an ice cube or two in his water.
As if I haven’t loathed myself enough this past week and a bit, I have decided to rewatch Supernatural (might stop at season 7 where I think it should have ended) for the first time in like 6ish years.
Never forget flicking on the tiny CRT TV that had a weird pink tint in my bedroom late one night and scaring the pants off myself.
Bought some fish oil tablets, and covid addled me bought 400 instead 100 (or whatever it was supposed to be). I don’t even know what to do with 400 fish oil tablets…
I am eating chicken nuggets!!! I can not taste them and they are probably a terrible choice for my first solid food, but chicken nuggets!!!
I am caretaker free today, so I am donning a mask and gloves and taking care of myself. I am very curious to see how I go considering I’m going to attempt quite a few chores today.
My mouth and throat feel good today so I might have a go at some scrambled egg or something as well, exciting times!