Had a weird suspicion but tonights dinner of beef and vegetable soup confirmed it, all warm/hot food since catching covid tastes really spicy to me… While I like spicy food, having every meal be spicy is going to get old quickly, especially as I transition back to solids (yay ulcers finally healing!).
About to shave my beard off for the first time in years, being sick has made it go all weird and brittle and it’s massively irritating my skin so it’s got to go. At least I can’t go anywhere so no one has see me without it since it’ll grow semi back by the end of the week.
I’ve had both of those authors recommended to me before. I’ve been looking for my next read since I didn’t line anything up after an indugent reread of Phillip Pullmans’ series, so maybe I might make a start with those. In saying that I have a sneaky suspicion that I read The Latchkey Kid by Forrester many moons ago.
Yes!! All of those are so good, espcially Lark Rise and ACGAS (both versions, although the new one kinda wins out by a little because I love Anna Madeley, Samuel West, and Callum Woodhouse) just so fkn cosy, they make me feel all warm and toasty inside.
You’ve probably seen it, but The Durrells is 10/10 period drama, everything about it is excellent!
No idea why I thought it’d be different, but I did my 7 day covid retest and it was instantly positive, like the minute the liquid hit the little thingy.
Really just want the contagious window to end so I can start taking care of myself and leave my bedroom, seven days is a long time to be stuck in a shoebox of a bedroom, even if I can’t do much with myself.