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It’s based on a soft science book about a guy who can see into the future, has a super-computer brain and controls people with his voice. In later book a guy’s clone gets his dead memories because he was ordered to kill his buddy. Another guy lives for 3000 years by putting worms on his skin.
It’s a fun series with some philosophical themes. I recommend it. scientific accuracy was not a goal and seems beside the point, but it makes sense for a science entertainer to have something to say about it while it’s trending
P.S. their plated skin is involved in their movement. Think it’s less a wriggle sometimes and more like a sound wave. compress expand?
I end up using gimp because I always have it installed and raster is easier than relying on the PDF forms to be set up properly.
What’s ur hardware. What DE are you using
while read p; do firefox “$p” done <file.txt
I use kcaldav and davx5
Yeah, they did. They also charge more in stores on the bus route source: worked in small grocery stores
anyone know of anything similar which actually exists? this is pretty cool