
copgutz [she/her]
I first heard this a few years ago because it’s in the soundtrack of some car game a friend was playing. The flappy mouth noises still crack me up just as much now.
Can attest to that. Stood in tall grass and got covered ankle to knee, maybe 30-40 bites. Begged for a cortisone shot before I chewed my legs off like an animal caught in a trap. Thankfully the shot worked and I got relief. I think what makes me hate them in particular is they always go for where clothing is tight, socks, pantylines, under the band of a bra. Just really good at finding some of the most irritating places.
Sometimes you can also call a local bakery and ask for some. They may not even charge you for it.
How frequently are the nibs wearing out? I wouldn’t imagine they’re shedding enough particulates to be of major concern. It’s not like you’re filing them off.
Doesn’t seem very ass-thetic though.
:brace-cowboy: No one touches the coins!
Imagine a world where IEPs included speech therapy. I can find a lisp or a stutter endearing, but I know for a lot of people it’s a huge source of embarrassment and social anxiety. If there’s a term for the manner of speech he’s using I don’t know it, but I have heard it a lot from almost exclusively guys, and most if not all seemed to have some difficulties with socialization. I’d be curious to know if there’s a casual connection either direction there, as I could see how having fewer face to face conversations, especially in early development, would make it harder to learn to produce the full range of sounds needed for speech in a natural and comfortable way. And how likewise having difficulty producing speech in a natural and comfortable manner would make one shy away from interactions requiring it.