they are able to bully their boss into giving them better money during salary negotiations.
Boss’ mind: this guy is crazy, give him what he wants otherwise he’ll come back with a gun. it isn’t my money. fuck it.
it is simple, more women need to disgruntle better /s
swing watch back and forth, hypnotically Say: “The economy is grrrrr-eat!”
now-a-days if you hurt someones feelings they ban you if you go to r/reddit there is a mention of a user (by name) who got banned for saying Wesley Crusher [a ficional character] is a soy-boy
If they keep banning people for shit like this, they won’t have any customers. And the character was a soy-boy.
We could. I think he did a lot of fucked up things, just to get pussy I read his biography. https://www.amazon.com/Kissinger-Biography-Walter-Isaacson/dp/0743286979 I also read the book transcripts of the Nixon Tapes