Because I saw the pirate joke earlier, here’s another.
How much did the pirate pay for his earrings?
A buck-an-ear.
Gah. Apparently my offer to the house was the best and they have indicated they will accept it but there is a hiccup on a house they put an offer on and waiting on it to be sorted before anything official. I’m not sure what the hiccup is or how it affects their plans if it falls through but still more waiting and hope.
24 days until moving day. Cannot wait.
Proud to say I have released the third book in my Van Diemen’s Valley horror series - Revenge of the Flightless. Check it out if you have the time. Thanks :-)
I am keen as mustard for 2023 to be over. I say it every year that the next year will be better, but boy this one has blown goats.
How you all doing today?
urgh, why are people selling second hand used books for ridiculous prices? We need an australian version of thriftbooks.
Maybe unpopular, but I wish daylight savings started later in the year. Admittedly, I like the idea of a spooky season and it doesn’t work in October with DLS.
What on earth do you wear to a christening?
Why do cows eat grass?
For the moo-trients.
It’s dumb, but my God does that make me giggle.