Programmed for 19C during the day and ramping up to 21C at night.
16C flat at all other times.
Have you been to Vietnam? 😂🤣
Perhaps a better question is: asking why Apple isn’t mainstream?
Linux almost always needs to be installed, whereas Apple is plug n’ play. Plus Linux has a reputation of being much more complicated than it actually is.
The disparity between the proportion of iMac sales vs the people who could afford an iMac is rather enormous, but I have this idea that for iPhones and Androids, this is reversed.
I find that conundrum, assuming it’s true, kinda interesting.
Linux antivirus is more about preventing viruses from propagating to Windows machines via email etc.
Rishi Sunak and Keir Starma, to name but two.
What is it with this guy and ridiculous names? Didn’t he learn from the laughter about his kid’s names or was he a huge fan of Prince when he went through that strange phrase?
Is he oblivious to the meaning of the prefix “ex-”?
Off topic. Any chance of the next few lottery number sets?
Asking for a friend.
Like using a puncture repair kit and duct tape to fix a condom after sex.
Just put one of the Linux distros on it that look like Windows. Install LibreOffice and lookalike programs.
And No, I don’t care why you think you can’t use Linux.