femandems [she/her]
Umm excuse me sweatie but coronavirus doesn’t exist anymore. Did you forget it’s already November???
Yeah I read theory
You really gotta make sure, before you commit, that she isn’t a russian bot. I mean you should pull her aside and just ask because russian bots must legally lie to you about it.
communism is when you kill boomers. the more boomers you kill, the more communism you’re doing
Damn libs really thought they could vote him out huh
Marx warned us about Linnon in Da Capital
I’m not trying to be a doomer here but the dominos have already started to fall and we are well and truly fucked. Even if the entire world’s economy was repurposed to carbon capture and stopping this we would still be fucked.
"Landlord " is a derogatory term. Try saying “person of land” next time.