
The problem with anime is that some of the most popular ones suffer from the issues described in the meme. Take death note for example, immensely popular. But the female characters are mere props with one massively problematic female character’s infatuation with the lead driving half the show. It’s just unwatchable if you don’t like that kind of thing.
When people message with a “hi” or “hello” and then say nothing more till I reply.
It annoys the hell out of me. Like, why can’t you just say what you want. It wastes so much of my time and mental energy to switch back and forth while I wait for your reply after replying to your utterly useless hello.
At least 3
Just a tip, you can do all this even without an array of monitors. In fact, if you’re feeling really adventurous, you can even just use your smartphone with no monitors involved.