Just a regular Joe. has mobile versions, apparently. Whether there is a free sync feature for the ios version will be a Q.
A nanotube garrote would be the talk of the town.
What filesystem are you using?
It is possible to wrap something like python into a single file, which is extracted (using standard shell tools) into a tmpdir at runtime.
You might also consider languages that can compile to static binaries - something like nim (python like syntax), although you could also make use of nimscript. Imagine nimscript as your own extensible interpreter.
Similarly, golang has some extensible scripting languages like - go has the advantage of easy cross compiling if you need to support different machine architectures.
There’s a lot of people pinning their hopes on the global south and the decline of the dollar. I just don’t see it, and it seems like wishful thinking. If there were a real risk to US supremecy, we’d see serious chaos unfold, setting them (edit: not the US) back significantly. The gloves are still on just now.
The US chooses when and how to intervene. With Israel vs Iran, it was clear. With NATO, it is clear. With Ukraine, it is still wishy washy - Ukraine can’t lose, but it doesn’t need to win for the US’ strategic goal of a weakened russia to be met. One can easily argue that it helps. Russia and its allies will continue to shit stir in “minor” ways elsewhere as a result, distracting but not really hurting the US.
I don’t see a decline in US capitalism or (US-style) imperialism anytime soon. It seems extremely well positioned to continue to be the #1 world power and influencer, even if its regional political and economic influence wanes a bit. US foreign policy is that of a bully in the sandpit who breaks any toy denied to him. Domestically, from the outside it looks like an absolute shitshow, with the masses cheering with hysteric enthusiasm as they are thrown one by one to the lions.
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labwc is working pretty well these days. Screen tearing for games and all.
There are a bunch of environment variables that I set this time though, which may have contributed to a better experience this time. seems relevant.