
knife [any]

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Weird snobs, it’s the ghost of that old fart Roger Ebert. In a fit of arrogance, he declared games to not be art, while understanding virtually nothing of the media’s history and having no actual interest in engaging with any of it, be it because he was an uncurious asshole or (more charitably) because he was already an old codger and games have too high a barrier to entry if you never picked up a controller before. So instead of trying he dropped a hot take about win states or something.


I have a childhood teddy bear that is really beat up, the paint in its eyes is completely gone, leaving just pure white, the patterns in its pajamas are faded, and there’s a knot in its hat I’m seemingly unable to undo. It’s kind of creepy which I think is awesome. Also a really squeaky bird puppet thingy, a panda and a lil camel with an annoying bell.


If nothing else, you can ditch the chain entirely for a “chain in spirit” where a company like Google requires you to verify things like your college diploma or your lease through a profile they have on you, with you paying a fee to have each relevant document authenticated

Yeah this is more likely. My hope is that in the event this happens, it is so ghoulish that people would disengage/look for alternatives/tell Google to go fuck themselves.


I find it unlikely that anyone would be able to estabilish web3 as it’s currently envisioned. It might be a desperate bid for new markets, but I can’t imagine the slow speeds and wildly fluctuating costs not crippling regular economic activity.

Maybe if they ditched the blockchain tech and only kept the finacialization aspect? But the tech mumbo jumbo serves an important purpose in obfuscating web3’s actual purpose, so anyone wanting to make it happen would have to work out a new way to sell it to people. Silicon Valley is having a serious problem in general selling the public a believable, positive version of the future (apart from :melon-musk: and his bazinga brigade)

The NFT bros are primed for some fash shit for sure though. Not remotely as scary as christofash (which are already chomping at the bit for some mass violence) but still a problem.


Why does she always put “milk” in quotations it sounds cursed as hell. And what’s with the blue shrimp??? Why would you do this?

Though tbh if it weren’t for the price, I wouldn’t judge people that like this kind of stuff, and it sounds like she had a good time because her Large Star Wars Husband had a good time, so that’s fair enough. On the other hand a two night stay at the Star Wars LARP resort costing 5200 is demonic.


That’s a good point. I think what bugged me is treating “it’ll cost money tho” as a valid argument in and of itself


fun facts:

In response to Free­dom of Inform­a­tion Act requests, the George W. Bush Pres­id­en­tial Library turned over to the Bren­nan Center more than 500 pages gener­ated during this review and subsequent reviews in 2006 and 2008. (Another 6,000 pages were with­held in full because they are clas­si­fied.)

. . .

As with any archival exped­i­tion, the silences are often the most telling. William Arkin, a noted expert on PEADs, reviewed the new mater­i­als disclosed by the library and observed that they relate primar­ily to civil agen­cies—few, if any, touch on the role of the milit­ary in times of crisis. He suggests that this “black side” would have been discussed at a higher level of clas­si­fic­a­tion. By implic­a­tion, the most daring claims to pres­id­en­tial power may have been entirely excluded from this tranche of docu­ments.


So, what does Hexbear think are the chances Musk goes the way of Elizabeth Holmes? I’m already giddly anticipating the future documentaries making fun of him. On the other hand, nothing good ever happens so…


Not to dunk on the article too much, but it’s a little disheartening that a good portion of the text is devoted to people talking about how expensive changing schools to fit these clowns stupid ideas would be. Yeah I’m sure winging about the cost is a great look when talking about a school shooting.

There’s also actual points like talking about logistics, the fact that the place has to function as a school rather than an impenetrable fortress, etc. but it takes until the last fucking paragraph for someone to say the obvious, and even then it sounds so toothless:

We’re just not going to the foundation of the issue. We’re just planting a Band-Aid solution

My point is that ideally journalists should just quote Ted Cruz verbatim and follow that with a large sequence of clown emojis and call it a day, instead of taking him seriously.


I’m glad I didn’t care enough even to finish the first season. The characters were annoying and the 80s setting does nothing for me.
