maya [she/her, they/them]
Reminder for carnists that you’re not allowed to be mad at this
Full support for the DE team, but
We also believe in what Harrier du Bois calls “the law”. It’s not perfect, but it’s there to protect those who create from those who take. And so it will.
It is part of a system scarcely conceived of or understood by the outside world, one defined almost in opposition to it. It is a system that seeks to eliminate rather than cohabit with coronavirus, one in which an unknown number of people are detained.
It was as though the bureaucracy, rather than the virus, was the natural phenomenon, one that thrived in the spaces between, rather than within, human beings. Perhaps I had misjudged everything. This was nothing like prison.
So is the idea here that we’re supposed to accept covid because it’s “natural?” He talks about quarantining the way you’d normally talk about clearcutting a forest.
I remember when the site started there was a while where the mods were purging transphobes left and right. Shows what good moderation does :trans-heart:
There isn’t a defined line for when an age gap is bad because it’s only one factor and while there is obviously a power dynamic between differently aged people that doesn’t necessarily make the relationship harmful. As others have pointed out, there are power dynamics in every relationship. What’s important is whether it’s being utilized or not.
I think it’s ultimately problem of alienation under capitalism. Ideally, under communism, you could rely more on the community to prevent predatory or abusive relationships without having super strict rules. I think 19-26 is in a grey area, it could easily be predatory but it’s possible for it not to be. I’d rather err on the side of bodily autonomy.
I am once again thankful for our transphobe-obliterating mods :trans-hammer-sickle:
The contactless delivery system “defies gravity” as food is transported from the second-story kitchen to drivers below.
Defying gravity by moving toward the ground