They also damaged private property and beat up a taxi driver and other people before the locals reacted.
You have to want to stop. I smoked 13 years, stopped several times, but the final real stopping was not that hard.
What also worked quite well for me as a crutch were nicotine free cigarettes. I decided I’d smoke as many of those as I wanted. Started with 20 at the first day and it slowly reduced by itself over time, till at one point o completly stopped without even realizing it.
70%… This is insane. A country that cannot “afford” genearal public healthcare. How is there no revolution happening in the US?
Man, I wish he’d leave the communication to someone else. He is so, so bad at it. And this isn’t the first time
The way he attacks critics puts himself in a bad light. But much more importantly, I read this and am still unsure if he has administrative/legal reason, security reasons or political reasons…
If I’d work in Russian propaganda, I’d love this so much. Hope this will not cause disruption in the community.
I thought that was common knowledge and we were all just to apathic to do anything. I mean we voted in governemnts that promised to change it and didn’t do shit in many countries.
They are defintly becoming more in Germany thanks to the fucking Amarok.
And I understand that there might be valid reasons to buy an Amarok, but I’ve never seen them used by anyone, but suburbanites who use them as a personal ca4.