The company “was once forced to close down, like other companies across a number of industries, because it could not compete against large quantities of goods that China was exporting at artificially depressed prices,” Yellen said.
regardless of what you think of him, Deng Xiaoping was the guy in a way that pretty much no other human is gonna be for the unfolding of the 21st century
this is some of the wackiest Zionist bullshit I’ve seen of all time, what the entire fuck
My understanding is that it means going, loosely, to the opposite side of the state of the major metropolitan area in that state. Upstate NY is the northwest part, upstate MA is the west part, upstate PA is the northeast part. I’m looking around, and it seems to also 1) only be used on a few states, 2) usually is on the north half (but not always), and 3) is somewhat interchangable with “rural”.
Start with young adult fiction! You wouldn’t go to the gym and immediately rack up to your old max, lift lighter first. I went thru a reading desert for like 5 years after leaving school, I tried banging my head against political theory and falling off over and over and over until I decided to read The Hate U Give. I blew through it, it got me into the habit of sitting down and reading words on a page, and I’ve been reading at least a book a month since.
don’t we more or less know that this happened to hundreds of Israelis?
this is just how it’s supposed to go when you have a thing like the Hannibal Directive
“Our poor people are the poorest” sounds suspect to be honest - Haiti? Congo? If you count $200K in student loan debt as poorer than $0 across the board, sure, but if you go by actual quality of life, there’s no way.
There’s also a pity mechanic in which your chances of waking up on a Wednesday increase the longer it’s been since the last time