sindikat [he/him]
You’re describing me almost to a t, but I’m pretty sure I don’t have ADHD. Do you dissociate a lot? Do you get distracted by thoughts when somebody’s talking to you? Do you fantasize about imaginary people or worlds when you’re lying in bed trying to fall asleep? Do you sometimes have the desire to just pace around the room thinking about something or talking to yourself?
David Burns, Feeling Good and the newer Feeling Great are neutral on politics and are as down-to-earth no-bullshit as cognitive behavioral therapy can ever get.
Pete Walker, Complex PTSD and The Tao of Fully Feeling, on overcoming child abuse from narcissistic parents. The guy has ridiculous amount of empathy and is as far from being a CHUD as one can be.
Don’t get me wrong, I actually enjoyed the over-the-top installments from the 3rd onwards, but the 2nd was just too bizarre. I enjoyed the scene in the bunker, where tied up mook was wearing Hunt’s mask, and the antagonist only realized it when he noticed his bandaged finger, I thought this was inventive and smart writing, but the rest of the movie was just too fucking much.
The Bourne trilogy is superior to either of these.