2Degrees. I’d rate them 10.4 - the connection is pretty reliable and we don’t have any trouble with multiple streaming services running at the same time. So long as you have no reason to contact them, they’re great but the moment you need assistance it turns into a real mission. They used to be really good but I guess they cut back to about two phone support people and a terrible hold playlist.
How is it only 1.7° at 9am? Although it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day. There may be a trip to the flea market this morning to see about fresh veges but other than that, no real plans.
What’s everyone up to today?
I’m still toying with the idea of replacing my OS with linux, in spite of knowing it’s a Bad Idea (because of software compatibility). Wouldn’t it be nice if companies you pay money to were a little open to the idea of creating flatpaks?
Already at work but the sun is out and it’s not freezing so mood is good. This morning I made a goal list for the week, just a couple of things to try and keep in mind so I’ll see how that goes.
SO’s boss is meant to be heading over for the ranfurly shield game tomorrow and was suffering jokes yesterday about the ferries getting cancelled. It’s definitely not the most reliable mode of transport lately.
I hate that farmers seem to think the only options are dairy or forestry, or in my area, grapes. No one seems to grasp that a monoculture in any particular is a bad idea and if it goes belly-up, the way dairy is going to, there’s nothing to fall back on. With food supplies getting a little shaky you’d think there’d be a push to start growing more stuff locally so we have less reliance on other countries and on shipping, but I guess planting out crops means Fonterra won’t be funding next years’ Ford Ranger purchase.
Bundled myself up like Cartman for the walk to work this morning and was toasty warm except for my knees, which is a really weird sensation.
So far plans for the weekend involve the TV and aot of blankets, I’m really not built for the cold.