tg4414 [he/him]
White libs getting mad about the Inuit seal hunt is basically the equivalent of said same white libs getting mad at like a Pacific Northwest Indigenous people cutting down an old tree to build canoes, houses, clothing, household objects, and various other things. They’ve been sustainably living off the land for far longer than the existence of nation-states. Exactly right, much of this conservation posturing puts Indigenous livelihoods in the crosshairs when it’s clearly the whites overfishimg to their heart’s content. Greenpeace mfs need to get their seal pity the fuck outta here.
Brb moving to the Islamic Republic of New England
Any reason why Sweden and Iceland are the only states that bucked Western orthodoxy here?
They do enforce maritime law and are involved in a defemse capacity in some countries, but I’ve always looked at them as the guys who rescue people stranded in boats or fallen into water though. Maybe the American Coast Guard is uniquely shit. Personally, if you count as search and rescue you deserve some more love imo.
Paging Alice :wtyp-gang:
The bones are their money
This cover screams “book you see at the grocery store in the magazine and stationery aisle” energy