tg4414 [he/him]
Dudes rock but Dudenhoefers don’t
Playing lots of music. Guitar, drums or just listening to new albums are really the only things keeping me sane at this point
Mommy drinky wine all day that’s iiiiit that’s the tweet!
Michael Brooks (RIP) always made the point that socialists and leftists didn’t read Machiavelli enough. If we want the movement to succeed, we need to manipulate the levers and play hardball whenever we get the chance for the greater good.
Aimee Terese took some swipes at Brooks over the last day or so. Basically she argued that Brooks carried water for the DNC and this showed in how he characterized Trump as a fascist, and also because he was quite well-liked across the left spectrum. Pretty vile to out of nowhere take shots at a dead guy when they clearly can’t respond. Her takes have always been shit, and she’s been known to be an attention-seeker operating in bad faith so I’m not surprised that Sean got really heated. They’ve been going at in the replies too so take a look if y’all are inclined.