Tried for T Swift tickets again, as hopeless of an exercise as the first time around. All gone. Delaying the sale of some tickets changes nothing on chances of getting.
Think it’s beer time.
I parked my car in a dubious spot at the station because I was about to miss the train and didn’t have time to circle around. It was one of those spots where either side has parked too close to the line. Why people don’t park properly? Anyway, I hope to get back before those cars have been moved. I have no faith in those line parkers.
A red blob on the radar heading straight to me. I’m ready.
My neighbour thinks 9am on a public holiday is the perfect time to start up their whipper snipper and lawn mower.
Best shower glass cleaner? I’ve used so many and can never get a perfect finish. Looks great from a distance but once you get closer the soap scum is still faintly there.
Long weekend! I have a lot of cleaning/domestic duties to take care of, as for the past month I’ve been saying that job X and job Y can wait to the long weekend. And now they’ve banked up. For tonight I will be knocking back a few and chilling. So very needed. Burger craving to be satisfied.