I mean it literally probably wont happen on his watch but it’s happening one way or another
We might have said the same of the USSR eighty years ago. They enjoyed gangbusters growth under Stalin and still kept pace with the US under Kruschev. They were a massive landmass with direct trade to three of the biggest population centers in the world - Europe, the Middle East, East Asia - and enjoyed both technological and material advantages that could have catapulted it beyond the US.
I think China’s well ahead of the USSR curve. But there are a host of problems the country could face that may potentially destabilize it into the future. Their borders are not terribly secure. Their economy still has a lot of headway to make up relative to western peer nations. They’re across the street from a number of nuclear powers, of which at least two (India and Australia) have shown intense hostility.
If the US rediscovers its core competency in regime destabilization and counter-revolution, there’s a very real possibility that America could undermine China into the next generation.