What hilarious is that there are like 3 actual controversies about Disney parks being too “woke” and somehow Ben missed all of them? The jungle cruise ride removing racist references to native pacific islanders, splash mountain retheming from Song of the fucking South lmao, and pirates adding a FEMALE pirate (god forbid).
Oh yeah and I guess disney started letting employees have tattoos and like, non white hairstyles. chuds are FUMING over that
They didn’t add the female pirate so much as change her costume, prior to that she was a wench being auctioned off for money
So the controversy is they changed that lol
I rode the jungle cruise ride back in 2019 and was surprised at how racist it was. You’re in a British colonial boat going into the jungle and get attacked by scary looking black natives
Kind of, not really. The pirates chanted “we want(s) the redhead” as she’s sold at a pirate wench auction…? and then is later seen being chased in circles by a pirate around a bed. Now she’s the one and only girl pirate, because she has the same color hair as the woman from mythbusters, obviously, and so Disney could just reuse the animatronic. Chuds explain that they can no longer enjoy the ride with these “woke” or “feminist” changes. Again, that rape and sexual slavery are bad…?
My favorite part about their complaint is that at the same time, Disney also shoehorned a Johnny Depp figure into the ride half a dozen separate times to promote the Pirates movies (which were made decades after the ride(s)), yet no chud ever complains about those. Hell, they probably think they’re the best part!