Post hog
I dunno. I’m sceptical because this was investigated by the west months ago and they found nothing to suggest it was altered or created in any way. Maybe it came from some lab, but to say the Chinese engineered it? Premature at this point. Especially because if there was any substantial evidence you know the west would be having a field day with it, but instead we’re getting vague stories like “Did covid come from a Wuhan lab? Who knows, maybe. There are some who suggest that it could.”
I’m skeptical too. There is no hard evidence, but there is some circumstantial evidence (namely proximity). Sometimes circumstantial evidence can lead you to hard evidence if you follow the clues, which is why we can’t yet dismiss it, but it’s still important to keep it in perspective and demand hard evidence for any more authoritative claims going forward.
I agree that the intel community would share with us hard evidence if they had it, which is why I’m suspicious of a frame job. It would be easy to simply release a virus near your intended scapegoat.