:bjp-cool: I hope a naxalite parodies Modi one of this days
tweet :some-controversy:
actual tweet :bjp-cool:
Kerala didn’t elect one BJP seat, they really despise that movement and want nothing to do with it, or really anything that goes on in Northern India.
India doesn’t need to be Balkanized, they need a cultural revolution. The semi-feudal caste system is a disgusting relic and it needs to go.
Caste system doesn’t exist throughout the country. Stop looking at the country as a monolith. Kerala not electing a BJP candidate isn’t the reason why I said it needs to be balkanized. BJP aren’t popular in other non communist majority states either.
Look at the North Eastern states and the rest of the country. They are literally treated as a second class citizen in their own country. If anyone says otherwise then I will slap them silly. The cultural difference between the regions are more evident than in those calling for Uyghur self determination
It should be extremely self evident from my comment that I don’t treat the country as a monolith, so I don’t really know what you are on about.
The caste system is 100% a major problem facing the country, and low caste people are also being treated as second class citizens, should they separate as well? Clearly that is out of the question.
Caste system should have been abolished when the region gained independence from the Brits.
Me wanting a balkanized India isn’t based on that. I don’t think you understood when I said the cultural difference and racism faced by a certain region of the country is the main reason why I think it should be balkanized. The entire north east isn’t Hindu either. Other than some of them being forced to convert, they aren’t part of the religion that practices caste system. Hindus performing caste system in central and north India isn’t part of my argument for balkanization.
When you force groups of regions to form a country and treat their citizens as some sort of low lying filth for 70 years then I absolutely believe that you shouldn’t be part of that country.