This is just a homophobe hedging their homophobia inside deeply illogical marxist word salad.
Following a long and storied tradition of working backwards from the premise “Gay = Bad” and climbing up your ideological asshole to explain why.
He claims to apply dialectical materialism but chooses to entirely ignore the scientific evidence.
He’s doing the same old propagandist game that conservatives have been employing for centuries. The “Gays caused the Fall of Rome” shit was something I heard growing up in the fucking 80s. It was a Reagan-Era line, back when we were supposed to be the City On A Hill and Commies were sneaking in to gay us up, like the time Hannibal slipped elephants in through the back door of Italy.
Not only is it an ahistorical dumpster fire, but it is literally recycling John Bircher tropes to Own The Leftists.