If the movement trends away from pedophilia, it is simultaneously trending away from open sexuality (homosexuality, pedophilia, polygamy, etc) and towards complete heterosexuality. So one must either keep going forwards and arrive at heterosexuality or keep going backwards towards pedophilia.
“The modern LGBT movement overwhelmingly condemns paedophilia” The US condemns terror. Doesn’t mean they don’t practice it.
Fuck anyone who says shit like this, they are not comrades, don’t waste breath coddling these fucking pieces of shit they will take your good faith and shit on it, if they could they would make careers off this instantly.
what kind of nonsense dichotomy is that? A society is either completely heterosexual or it has open pedophilia. That makes no goddamn sense.
what kind of nonsense dichotomy is that?
Imagine the Political Compass, but with one less dimension. On the far right we have “raping the teenage bride you bought at auction like a normal heterosexual man” and on the far left you have “pedophilia” with “two dudes kissing” slightly adjacent. Now imagine the line is covered in astroglide, such that any movement in a given direction results in an irreversible slide to either end point.
Do you want to be a pedophile? No? Then you have to go all the way over to my side of the line.
It’s that simple.
Pretty sure I remember the day back when a lot of the new communist subs were being founded, when everyone realized moretankiechapo’s mods were ultra-Left dirtbags that were banning everyone that didn’t have their position, that this fella sprouted up and was advertised as an ally to the sub for holding the correct ultra-Left line of Enver Hoxia.
I also recall this fella getting spanked out of the subreddits in Bayarea415’s zone of influence (InformedTankie, sendinthetanks, etc) for being a homophobic clown.
R*ddit moment.