R*ddit moment.
If the movement trends away from pedophilia, it is simultaneously trending away from open sexuality (homosexuality, pedophilia, polygamy, etc) and towards complete heterosexuality. So one must either keep going forwards and arrive at heterosexuality or keep going backwards towards pedophilia.
“The modern LGBT movement overwhelmingly condemns paedophilia” The US condemns terror. Doesn’t mean they don’t practice it.
Fuck anyone who says shit like this, they are not comrades, don’t waste breath coddling these fucking pieces of shit they will take your good faith and shit on it, if they could they would make careers off this instantly.
what kind of nonsense dichotomy is that? A society is either completely heterosexual or it has open pedophilia. That makes no goddamn sense.
what kind of nonsense dichotomy is that?
Imagine the Political Compass, but with one less dimension. On the far right we have “raping the teenage bride you bought at auction like a normal heterosexual man” and on the far left you have “pedophilia” with “two dudes kissing” slightly adjacent. Now imagine the line is covered in astroglide, such that any movement in a given direction results in an irreversible slide to either end point.
Do you want to be a pedophile? No? Then you have to go all the way over to my side of the line.
It’s that simple.
excuse me stupid but i am a marxist and as a marxist i must say that “lumpen” means “stupid evil removed.” i am also a dialectical materialist which means i think the ancient greeks invented buggery, which is why it’s bad. do not try to tell me where the concept of dialectics derives from i will simply not listen ty
This whole fucking thing is premised on the idea that the “LGBT soup” as this fuckturd calls us is made up by capitalism as a tool that can be used and pushed for social control.
This is literally unscientific. Being fucking GAY is scientifically proven, something you do not choose to be.
This is just a homophobe hedging their homophobia inside deeply illogical marxist word salad. He claims to apply dialectical materialism but chooses to entirely ignore the scientific evidence.
In short, you are a dick @albanianbolshevik.
This is just a homophobe hedging their homophobia inside deeply illogical marxist word salad.
Following a long and storied tradition of working backwards from the premise “Gay = Bad” and climbing up your ideological asshole to explain why.
He claims to apply dialectical materialism but chooses to entirely ignore the scientific evidence.
He’s doing the same old propagandist game that conservatives have been employing for centuries. The “Gays caused the Fall of Rome” shit was something I heard growing up in the fucking 80s. It was a Reagan-Era line, back when we were supposed to be the City On A Hill and Commies were sneaking in to gay us up, like the time Hannibal slipped elephants in through the back door of Italy.
Not only is it an ahistorical dumpster fire, but it is literally recycling John Bircher tropes to Own The Leftists.