Why’s it so hard to condemn Nazi collaborators? I had no idea so many users were so defensive about their history. I would think that condemning them would be second nature, but no. You bring up American slavery all the time; how is this any different?
You’re also conveniently leaving out the resistance movements
Our resistance movement was called the Union Army and we had a civil war in which hundreds of thousands of us died to put an end to slavery. How’s that compare?
Your “resistance” movement outcompeted the total industrial production of the south by almost an order of magnitude. The slavers never had a chance, as long as the North fought.
Norway put up a pretty decent fight, all things considered, held out and even advanced until the Brits abandoned them leaving them without air support or supply. The commander of their remaining forces committed suicide as soon as he was out from the Nazi’s thumb.
Their government managed to escape and refused to surrender. And their resistance (40,000 strong) famously crippled the Nazi Nuclear Progam and forced a 300,000 strong occupation army to stay in place, crippling the Nazi’s in the later stages of the war.
The entire population, save 15000 SS Chuds, maintained a consistent program of Civil Disobedience.
Yeah, Quisling was a Nazi shit, and he and his entire government died Nazi shits up against the wall. Lesser Collaborators were ostracised, literally. Many starved to death.
Meanwhile the USA was importing rocket scientists and packing NATO with Nazi goons.
See what I mean? Endless contempt for Americans, while excusing your own, far worse crimes. You people have a real problem with being defensive.
Norway put up a pretty decent fight, all things considered,
62 whole days! Hey, don’t you ridicule the Poles for folding faster than Superman on laundry day? They held out for 40 days.
crippled the Nazi Nuclear Progam
That program never had a chance. There was zero possibility of them ever actually making a bomb.
save 15000 SS Chuds
How many Americans joined the SS? You see how easy this is?
And I love the anti-NATO sentiment. Trump could have written that himself.
I’m not European, and our crimes are…about equal to the USA, really. Yay settler colonialism.
62 whole days! Hey, don’t you ridicule the Poles for folding faster than Superman on laundry day? They held out for 40 days.
Poles underperformed in the initial invasion, it’s true, they also had an army of 1 million to Norway’s 50,000.
That program never had a chance. There was zero possibility of them ever actually making a bomb.
They didn’t have the funding, but until 1942 they were pretty close to where the US was in technical capability.
How many Americans joined the SS? You see how easy this is?
At least several dozen, probably several hundred. When did the Yanks join the war again? Oh yeah, after the Nazi’s declared war on you. It is easy isn’t it?
What is this a pro-NATO sub now?