I don’t get why fascists are so obsessed with this “hur hur no poet in commune go mine coal” meme when literally every AES states in existence supports arts and cultures, like even DPRK under its extreme embargo are still willing to fund public performers.
And of course, under capitalism there’s no room for (non mass-marketable) arts either: The corporation have no room for poets, go stock shelves.
Also, wh40k fan :stalin-gun-1::stalin-gun-2:
what gets me here is that this is fanart :zizek-fuck:
ze fascist wants to be ze man tell you to dig ze fucking hole :zizek-preference:
but zis is because he already has zis job in polite society schniff making ze grubhub driver drive his meals, and so on :zizek-joy:
pure ideology :zizek: