Spoiler alert, the show will be spoiled if you view the comments here. Enter at your own risk. The show is quite interesting. Almost all of the characters are morally ambiguous, with character arcs that always surprise the audience.
It was a huge disappointment at the end, but I hope you enjoyed s1-6!
I have no idea what episode that was. I just looked up the recap…lots of stuff going on in that episode. What was your favorite part?
Sorry, I meant seasons 1 through 6 were good :amused face:
Are you happy you finally watched the show?
Yea, I’m glad. Very interesting and provocative. I hated when they ended episodes though. I feel sorry for anyone who watched them when they came out and had to wait for the next ones. For a while, we stopped them in the middle of episodes at good stopping points. And then, the next night, we would watch the second half of the episode, and the first half of the next. Just so much more satisfying.
I liked the last two seasons though. They are the third act. And the third acts are always the worst, because they stop introducing new characters and conflicts and have to start tying things together. But given that, I found it satisfying to see all the loose ends and broken relationships come face-to-face and resolve.