Spoiler alert, the show will be spoiled if you view the comments here. Enter at your own risk. The show is quite interesting. Almost all of the characters are morally ambiguous, with character arcs that always surprise the audience.
I vaguely remember people talking about that scene before I saw the show, and didn’t recognize the names. And also knew that Hillary supporters were really upset by the ending. So I sort of knew what was coming. But I really didn’t think she would go that far overboard. I mean, she obviously could have just burned the castle, and let the soldiers do the rest. But the signs were there. We knew she wanted to burn the city because she said so a few times, and was told not to every time by Tyrian. But he was also wrong so many times, that she was fed up with taking his advice.
I guess her story was a classic tragedy. We grow to like her more and more in the beginning, then we watch her stumble a few times, but we cheer her on. But all along she was annoyingly arrogant and entitled, especially for a blonde white woman telling POC what to do. It hit me in the Qarth scene when all of her Dathraky tribe was killed while she was in a room meeting someone. I know it was sort of out of her control. But also, she fucked up. What kind of leader lets her whole tribe get killed? And I cringed every time she said something like “the iron throne was promised to me”. Even when she is killed at the end, I was half-expecting they work something out and she becomes good. Shows what a liberal I am, I guess. They kind of gave it away though with all the homage language of Bush’s Iraq war. “We are liberators, and we will liberate everyone, just like we did here.” That was more cringe, because nobody got liberated in King’s landing, unless “liberated” is some spiritual metaphor for death.
I was expecting her to kick some ass and win. But I didn’t anticipate that Jon Snow would have to take her down, because I assumed he then become king in that situation, but logistically, that couldn’t have worked, so I didn’t think about it much.
like first about harrenhall the idea is really interesting, so before the targeryans the ironborn took like most of westeros over and their king haren makes a gigantic castle with walls that could stop any assault, and then the dragons come and just fly over the wall and burn it down, it is the castle in ruins that they take arya and genry on season 2 where they meet the mountain, it is pretty much supposed to be a king’s seat of power so there is this paralel with what dany does at kings landing and the whole targeryans duality is a strong motif on dany like there is this sentence “King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, he said, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land.”
The whole winter thing just really gets overplayed but if it was rough like real fucked it would at least had a payoff imagine if jon died in there and they had to fight unded jon or something of that but no THE WRITERS ARE COWARDS no real protagonist death no matter how fucked their situation goes let’s just go see other thing while they just escape this death trap unscared like literally the opposite of what grrm would do it is baffling that they did that
i actually love that they went there on the bush homage it was such a gut punch like the contrast of the cruelty seen with the whole liberator things she is saying, which is also a play on the fact that she called herself the breaker of chains a liberator, and there is a really sneaky thing that is not mentioned explicitly but she has really at every single point of the history used violence and power to reach her goal, she is ruthless and it works every single time so why wouldn’t it work now? anyhow i would suggest reading the books because A) they are good B)there are some characters who did not make into the series especially one of my favourites which is patchface a court jester for stannis which literally seems to be predicting the future but no one pays attention to what he is saying because he is mad it is really interesting stuff and also you get to just complain about george not writting and doing dumb stuff like making a game with from software
THE WRITERS ARE COWARDS no real protagonist death no matter how fucked their situation goes
Yea, I noticed that in season 7. The main characters never die in battle. So the suspense of the battles was gone. Was that the case in the books?
she has really at every single point of the history used violence and power to reach her goal
Thats interesting. And I think her plotline was played like a classic tragedy. We should have seen it coming, and hated her. But they did present her as good as much as possible so we should want her to win. Part was probably that we wanted to see those dragons kick ass for the power of good. Partly because she is sexy. But you’re right, she was not good. She didn’t have any of that coalition building power that Jon Snow had, or inspiring people to join. Well, the slaves she feed joined her because she freed them and gave them a choice to go. That was really her best moment. But she couldn’t keep Moreen, because she ruled from the to of a pyramid. That was a red flag too. I think it was really showed at Winterfell, after the night battle, when she wasn’t celebrating. Nobody wanted to talk to her. She hadn’t even made any friends. Great films have morally ambiguous characters though, so we like them, but also wonder if we should be liking them. And she definitely had that all the way to the end. For everyone else, we figured out if they were good or bad much earlier. Maybe thats why people complain about the last two seasons. The ambiguous characters were sort of forced to take a side and become boring.
the books are still not finished george said that if he did not finish it by like last week the government of new zeland has the right to lock him up until he finishes the book last year so waiting on that, but it really was so weird in comparison with the other season that it just makes me angry the whole feel of the fights before have always been like this is a chaotic and ruthless space like your favorite character probably has the same likelyhood of dying than any other people in the fight it really made the whole fight scenes like in the whole winter thing there are moments the camera zooms out into other things and if it looked like jon is fucked don’t worry next time he is on camera he will be fine and never talk about how the fuck did he just survive that, and yeah i think the whole thing is you are supposed to like her she is literally the biggest underdog like she is sold for eggs and an army by her brother finds love even on that situation and that gets fucked by dark magicks she refuses to accept her fate as the wife of a former horse lord there is a lot that makes you wanna root for her it is really interesting i think that people really got pissed at this didn’t get the flaws and were pulled into this because it makes the twist more interesting
I think it was really showed at Winterfell, after the night battle, when she wasn’t celebrating. Nobody wanted to talk to her.
Like there is a lot of similitarities between the first targeryans and her and this is one she is as much of a foreigner to all these people as the original targeryans were like she had never been on westeros after being born there, she doesn’t know anyone and also the whole jon vs dany is fascinating because jon as the son of the heir probably would have a stronger claim than her so she is literally at this foreign land no friends every single person she loved died or betrayed her in some scale she is on a land where she is supposed to be queen and no one wants her there there is literally a targeryan with a stronger claim than her who has connections with all the lord and would probably be embraced by the north if it came to that point and probably the rest of westeros who would not want to be governed by a foreigner, her situation is so bad when she crosses and her only claim to this is that she is the mother dragons, also the moment that dany and jon fuck should probably have been a more interesting scene instead of just some fan service for the people who thought hey those two could be a couple like i that is probably the biggest failing of that season they are not able to use the moments that should be used to make us understand how the character feel
a last thought about the last season it fucking destroys the whole map like do you remember on the beggining where it takes like so many episodes until the starks finally get to kings landing NO MORE PEOPLE ARE JUST GOING FROM SPOT TO SPOT INSTANTENOUSLY no build up anymore and i get DRAGONS ARE FAST but there are not enough dragons like it is so weird like the whole show goes in showing westeros is huge and the planet is even bigger and in the last season they just made map small because they wanted the characters to go and interact and stuff it was a bad season and HBO ACTUALLY HAD OFFER THAT THEY COULD MAKE MORE EPISODES THE PRODUCERS CHOOSE TO END THIS BIG FANTASY STORY IN 13 CHAPTERS it so dumb