What sources? What are you claiming to be false and what sources do you have to back up your claims?
This doesn’t justify anti vaxx bullshitt you’re pushing. Contract tracing and using proper n95 masks is important but one shouldn’t undermine the importance of vaccines.
it says that there is a 13% decrease in transmission between vaccinated and unvaccinated. this means that 100% of people could be vaxxed and covid would still spread widely. we are going to be living with this for the foreseeable future. there is no zero covid via vaccines. my belief is that the left should be pushing for broad reforms to the healthcare system and not solely focused on the vaccine. if people want to get it, great. a lot of people are untrusting of the govt and pharma, and for good reason. we should be talking to these people and offering solutions instead of calling them all chud reactionaries, which just isn’t true.