yes we are in a public health crisis. but it’s not being handled like a public health crisis. it’s being handled like a corporate takeover. we are almost two years into this and in a sane world we could have fixed and expanded our (i’m in the US) utterly hollowed out healthcare system, put in place early at-home care procedures, etc. but we haven’t. i just don’t believe that the state, pharma, tech, etc cares about saving lives or public health in general. especially when all their answers to the pandemic (lockdowns, partial business closure, vaccine mandates) have lined the pockets of the ruling class while causing irreparable harm to the average person. now on top of this you think authoritarian measures are necessary? and you expect people to just go along and trust the people in power? when all the early promises of the vaccine have proved way off the mark? the left is so fucked if this is the line going forward. jezza (and his very cool brother btw) are on the right track.
Where did you get that info about the effectiveness of natural immunity being better than vaccines? You’re letting the political machinery get in the way of legitimately evaluating the effectiveness of vaccines.
Big pharma, the state, tech, care about saving lives to the point of keeping cogs turning in the machine.
I think the domestic handling of covid were fuckups trying to do as little as possible to keep status quo for big business. Also politicians not wanting to do things that were unpopular and only acting once forced to with all those lockdown measures that were emergency measures that we seem to be in a stop-start cycle of. Thus dangling the unrealistic carrot of reopening fully if enough are vaccinated. This I blame on incompetence of trying to do nothing and then having to do something, and lack of preventative “authoritarian” measures.
But internationally I think the fuckup was pure greed because of IP laws that I blame on big pharma. Omicron came about because Africa isn’t getting enough vaccines. Once Cuba can distribute theirs then I think that would help a lot, look at Cuba’s numbers for demonstration of that.
Realistically I think China’s method is the only domestic one that works. We cannot expand healthcare enough to deal with the virus and its effects. The field of nursing is losing people because of ptsd and stress. Partially because of the understaffing, but also dealing with a constant stream of preventable deaths and fighting antivaxxers.
I don’t think we can train and expand quick enough to do be able nothing else. Seeing hundreds die is weighing on nurses, and even with enough resources to give all those dying a fighting chance that still scars people and makes it a field where we’d have to figure out how much to pay people to get PTSD. Even if we put all manufacturing power into making ventilators and start paying bonuses to people who do nursing school and give better nurse wages I don’t think that’s enough of we do nothing else.
Edit: sucks you got banned before responding to me. I had a feeling you were more denialist than you let on but didn’t know for sure. Oh well