Being told this is fairly reliable for info on the situation in Ukraine. let me know if it isn’t.
No literally everyone in the world wouldn’t grandstand at peace talks. Bluff sure, but this is flagrant and no one will buy it save for american hogs and nationalists who they want to convince to oppose the peace. Bluffing does not mean divorce yourself from reality
they weren’t at peace talks when the statement was released, if they sit down at the table and come out with this shit they’re daft.
releasing it the the media beforehand is propaganda - really obvious propaganda. projecting strength going into the negotiations.
people on here are acting like like they’ve gone mad, writing about absurd Jokers who don’t want peace and believe in the coming miraculous domination of their enemies.
part of spotting propaganda is knowing that the people saying it usually don’t really believe it either, or are massively exaggerating a belief.
this is just totally standard doctrinaire shit for negotiating.
It doesn’t project strength to the people they are negotiating with though. It is for show, not to their people or the Russians, but for NATO citizens. Member states know it is bullcrap obviously. It is nationalist madness, regardless of if the person saying it believes it. They are ordering civilians to operate as if it is true. Its not harmless sabre-rattling
I completely disagree that it’s not for their own citizens, that’s the main audience.
it’s not madness, it’s not madness when russia threaten nuclear attack when they have no plans to use them either.
it’s gone well beyond sabre rattling, nobody’s worried about escalating shit through words, they’re in a full war.
if you think this obviously over the top media soundbite is going to be received as anything other than pablum by the russians you’re wrong. it’s totally irrelevant to the negotiations. imagine being in a full war for three days and then getting upset because your enemy did a press release where they exaggerated their status.