If you have any useful resource links please tag me in a comment with the link.
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Please add to this if you can.
Time/Map: https://time.is/Ukraine
Leftist discussion threads:
Twitter military updaters:
Global South Perspective: https://nitter.net/kiranopal_/status/1498723206496145413
Better war/propaganda analysis:
News updates:
Live: https://www.cgtn.com/special/Live-update-Ukraine-Russia-border-crisis.html
YT/Video in Ukraine:
Thank you.
Previous megathreads:
So a friendly work acquaintance messaged me this evening to say that they’ve lost two clients today because someone they know got in touch with them to say he was posting pro-Russia stuff on Facebook. He’s an Ed Miliband level socdem who made a criticism of NATO and the rhetoric before the invasion two days ago. Apparently he messaged me because he knew I’m a commie and didn’t know who else to talk to. He’s freaking out about who sent the message to clients and whether they did / will to others, as well as the lost income obviously. People have lost their fucking minds.
edit: Makes me glad for this place and you comrades. Keeps me sane while I keep my mouth shut at work.
Hi, do keep me informed about this please. It’s rather alarming, and I’d like to keep track of it
Sure. I don’t know what if any follow up there’ll be. Seems to think an arsehole family member who always posts shit at him might have done it. As for which clients dropped them they’re still being polite and not naming them, but I don’t think they were anyone remotely big judging by the type of work they usually do.
Maybe if everything is on the line, but we can’t afford to be quiet about opposition to US involvement. We’ve gotta be present in our real world communities clearly opposing all forms of interventionism otherwise people are going to just slop up the CNN narrative.
Yes but you do so as an organized group for protection, there’s no virtue in getting canned for shouting things loudly (even if you’re correct)
They’re a freelance designer so it’s like two clients out of quite a few, but it’s serious McCarthy shit.
Literally the only good thing to come out of it is I think I’ve finally gotten them to ditch Facebook for good.
Damn, from Russian athlete ban from competition, to ban from going to restaurant in German, they really go all out. Some even floating idea of kicking Russian student out. jeez