It isn’t. But she’s THAT type of US latina that flaunts every stereotype and then gets mad when people down here view them as clowns. She’s also from Florida and a Republican, so 99% chance she’s a gusano too.
But she’s THAT type of US latina that flaunts every stereotype and then gets mad when people down here view them as clowns
this is kinda racist. yeah she’s a gusano but fuck racial stereotyping. we don’t owe you either adherence or non-compliance with racial stereotypes because the categories themselves are made-up bullshit.
It’s more of a cultural thing but I understand your point.
Edit: It’s more like how the Irish feel about plastic paddies. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your ancestry and trying to adopt some of your cultural past to your life. The problem is when you engage in disgusting behavior and use your ancestry as an excuse. People like this will come down here and start fights, scream at workers, say rude things to locals, and then claim they can’t help it because it’s their culture. Somehow we’re supposed to agree because we’re latin.