I was listening to the recent TrueAnon episode about this nodding my head along to everything and then the interviewee starts talking about CIA mind control tech causing schizophrenia if the mind control victims don’t get their mind control refreshed regularly
that’s a really wild suggestion since DID comes from childhood trauma
the way the media treats DID really has given people really weird perspectives on it, it’s very cool
I’m listening to that episode currently. Nick said that some children who were involved in abusive government research would develop DID, which would in turn make them more susceptible to hypnosis. It sounded plausible to me. I didn’t hear anything about getting mind control refreshed although I still have thirty minutes left in the episode.
How familiar are you with MKULTRA? They absolutely tried a bunch of wild shit. The TrueAnon episode with Lisa Pease left a lot of listeners similarly skeptical because it dealt with mind control and hypnosis, but I think she was right.