Sweet man-made horrors beyond my comprehension.
I’ve heard about this leg lengthening procedure being done to people with legs of uneven length to allow them to walk normally and even then it sounded grueling and painful.
I can’t see why you would have this done unless you had to. Paying to have it done for no good reason is just incredibly fucked up. There should be some responsible adult who could tell these people no.
Dudes get very, very into how tall they are. It’s a whole ego thing, and you can tell it’s an incel thing because they specify engineers do this
I’m a 1.63 (5’3 or 5’4 I think?) amab in the worlds tallest country (the Netherlands) and can confirm it sucks. A lot. Especially for your self confidence and dating life. But you get over that through becoming a well rounded, mentally healthy and interesting person, and therapy if necessary. No way I would try to “fix” it with this nightmare surgery.
i don’t understand why body shaming fat people is bad and body shaming short guys is funny and cool, nor do i understand how people get why fat people get self-conscious but don’t get it for short guys
Yeah, maybe I worded that wrong. I’m short and I went through some years of real pain about it. I could just tell a certain percentage of people I interacted with didn’t think I was a real person. I imagine that’s what a lot of minorities feel like maybe, not to over sell it, but yeah we live in a judgemental society and people tend to feel raw about what people are judging them for.
I’ve never known a single dude my height or shorter
well, what height is that?
I spent a lot of time on dating apps until I met my spouse. Like… years. The complaint that hetero women see 6’0" in freedom units as the minimum height in a man for dating is generally very true, at least in my observation. I can see a guy who’s like 5’7"-5’10" doing this, absolutely. Especially given how ubiquitous dating apps are.