None of that is apartheid, though. Apartheid is stuff like not being able to buy land because it’s a white area.
“it’s bad but it’s not the exact word according to this very limited definition i have decided to impose” :very-intelligent:
glad you agree it’s bad. Have you ever heard of a “de facto” vs. “de jure” distinction. They have de facto apartheid.
I’m trying to convince hardcore Israeli supporters and while I’m at it, neutrals. You can spout all the atrocities you like and they’ll just say “Hamas deserved it” or some other such nonsense. I need to draw explicit links between South African apartheid and Israeli apartheid, ideally using Israel’s own laws. Failing that, videos of hardcore Israelis saying shit like “fuck yeah we have apartheid and it’s great.”
You’re not going to convince hardcore israeli supporters. People like that typically hold political beliefs not because they’re true or false, but because of material interests. If it is in their perceived material interests to support Israel, they will, regardless of how bad they are. But read Norm Finkelstein and Ilan Pappe.
Here’s some heart-wrenching videos if you’re talking to people whose hearts can be wrenched.
A Palestinian man lists all the family members he lost when IDF bombed his home.
A 10 year old girl breaks down after air strikes destroyed her neighbors’ home
Israeli lynch mob and police breaking into a palestinian home in Haifa
IDF disguising themselves among palestinian protesters, begin firing from inside the crowd
Jewish American Activist beaten by Israeli police for supporting Palestinians
Palestinian woman describes how she had her phone seized for filming IDF beating a child
Again. I stress “de facto” versus “de jure” here. Israel doesn’t need laws literally saying “we do apartheid!” They just need to impose something like apartheid through physical force. Legal-brained liberals only care about de jure oppression. If the state is capable of violently enforcing oppression without legal backing, it will! Bourgeois laws aren’t enforced on the ruling class! Constitutional protections don’t apply to oppressed groups!
Look at a map.
The area controlled by the Palestinian state is divided into tiny Bantustans, surrounded by hostile Zionist occupation forces. It is like that now and it has been like that in every “peace plan” for the last few decades. Neither the Zionists nor their backers in the US have any intentions of ever letting Palestinians control enough of their own country to have a sovereign, functioning state.